
1.On 12/1/2021 our after school(Nash Jew-MBBC,330 Neptune
Ave.Brooklyn,NY 11235,(phone-718-891-1111),
had a Hanukkah Party.
Kids from different religions and races are learning more about the
celebration of Hannukah.
Our Hannukah party was a success, the children were able to learn
about the holiday through story-telling and singing along to songs. We
had donuts to celebrate, and had candle lighting. Finally, we ended
off with gifts. Our sponsor from Pharmacy 7, Ilya Ostrovskiy stopped
by to give the kids some insightful words, and we are very grateful
for his help in being able to give the kids a chance to learn about
This event was sponsored by Leader Family Fund and Pharmacy
7(Owner-Ilya Ostrovsky,388 Neptune Ave. Brooklyn,NY 11235)
Thank you very much for the grants, it is very much appreciated.

NASH JEW / MBBC School invites for classes 1. Judo / Sambo-boys and girls from 5 years old
Coach - master of sports of international class in sambo , master of sports in judo,
Champion of Ukraine in judo, multiple winner of international competitions
- Maria Ostapyuk.
2. Rhythmic gymnastics - Girls from 5 years old.
Coach-master of sports International classs- Mary Israelyan.
Information and registration by phone - (718) 891-1111.
Beginning of classes-September 1.

Dear Parents! After school MBBC had a successful show with our talented kids 6/26/2023(Songs,dances,games,music,refreshment). Would you like for your child to gain new skills?To have homework completed?To have time to participate in our chess,dancing,judo,music,art,computer programing,gymnastic classes etc?
Don,t hesitate-call today at(718)891-1111 or visit our
We still have a few spots left.

On 6/20/2023 our school had a very successful X1 Open Annual Chess tournament(Sponsored by Pharmacy 7-388 Neptune Ave.),
Let your kids participate next year in chess classes and the next tournament!
Big thanks to our chess coach Leonid Chernomordikov!

Proudly created by Kirill Burachov